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Amanda has been a hockey fan since her beloved Whalers were still where they belong, Hartford CT. When her team defected to the south, she transfered her allegiance to the Bruins. She maintains that you can be a Bruins and a Yankees fan at the same time. Her likes include Milan Lucic, fights (which are synonomous with Lucic) the word "wicked" used as an adjective and foam bear claws. Her pet peeves are punks that push her at Joe Louis Arena and having to have two forms of ID just to buy beer at the Garden

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Favorite Thing # 17: The Office

Before I begin, I must mention that I was not a fan of the Office when it first started. AT ALL. I absolutely refused to watch it with Kevin, stating that it was the biggest waste of my time ever (that's what she said) and not even funny. Steve Carrell's character was so awkward it was embarrassing. But I would catch myself laughing at Dwight and Jim and their mutual hatred and love of each other. In a way, it reminds me of my office mate, the D-Train and I. So, I started watching re-runs on TV, and found that while I still find Michael Scott annoying and pathetic, the show and its cast of characters has grown on me. I thought since it was Dwight and Jim who first made me give the show a chance, I would count down the top 10 pranks Jim has played on Dwight.

10. Jim trains Dwight to want an altoid every time he starts his computer
Using the Pavlovian response theory, Jim spends a month or so offering Dwight a mint every time he reboots his computer until one day, he doesn't and Dwight automatically holds his hand out for a mint. The reason this makes the list is due to his sheer dedication to the art of pranking someone.

Memorable line(s):

  • Dwight: My mouth tastes so bad all of a sudden!

9. Jim convinces Dwight he is a vampire

After Dwight accidentally lets a bat that had been living in the ceiling loose into the office, Jim pretends that he is bitten and is now slowly turning into a vampire. He enlists the help of Karen by pretending that the garlic bread and Meredith's cross are burning him, and that the light is too bright. It seems like opportunities to mess with Dwight just fall into his lap.

Memorable line(s):

  • Dwight:I don't have a lot of experience with vampires, but I have hunted werewolves. I shot one once. But by the time I got to it, it had turned back into my neighbor's dog.
  • Dwight: If a vampire bat was in the U.S., it would make sense for it to come to a "sylvania." Like PENN-sylvania.

8. Jim places Dwight's stapler in Jell-O

I don't know what makes this prank so great, but it sure is hilarious. In fact, Katie and I put the D-Train's pens in Jell-O. Sadly, he did not react as brilliantly as Dwight. But we still found it funny

Memorable line(s):

  • Jim: OK. Dwight, I'm sorry, because I have always been your biggest flan.
  • Ryan: Maybe you should put him in custardy

7. Jim (with the help of Pam) convinces Dwight that the CIA wants to recruit him

I was tempted not to include this prank since it was Pam's idea, but it was so great I had to include it. Pam really went above and beyond with this one, sending Dwight letters for months from the "CIA". Jim gets involved and they convince Dwight that the CIA is going to pick him up in a helicopter from the roof of Dunder Mifflin to attend a briefing/ice cream party. They then text Dwight and tell him the mission is compromised and convince him to throw his cellphone off the building.

Memorable line(s):

  • Jim (reading Dwight's secrets): Last year, my boss, Michael Scott, took a day off because he said he had pneumonia, but really, he was leaving early to go to magic camp. Wow.

6. Jim forms an alliance with Dwight

Worried about the upcoming merger, Dwight approaches Jim about forming an alliance. Once again, pranks just fall into Jim's laps. Jim and Pam convince Dwight that the whole office is working against him and wind up convincing him to dye his hair blond and hide in a box in the shipping during Meredith's birthday party to spy on rival factions.

Memorable line(s):

  • Jim: And I spend hours thinking of ways to get back at him, but only in ways that could get me arrested. And then here he comes and he says "No, Jim, here's a way."
  • Dwight: I'm a deer hunter. I go all the time with my dad. One thing about deer, they have very good vision. One thing about me, I am better at hiding than they are... at vision.

5. Jim sends faxes to Dwight from "future Dwight"

Before he leaves for Stamford, Jim has the foresight to steal a box of Dwight's stationary which he then uses to periodically fax Dwight from "future Dwight". This prank rocks because it illustrates that Jim is really willing to go the distance for a good prank and is constantly planning for the next, even if he is leaving to go to a new office:

Memorable line(s):

  • Dwight(reading the fax): At 8 AM today, someone poisons the coffee. Do NOT drink the coffee. More instructions will follow.

4. Jim places all of Dwight's belongings in the vending machine

I wish I knew the vending machine man, because this would be a totally awesome prank to play on someone. Jim even had the foresight to place Dwight's wallet in the machine so he couldn't get his things out. This prank makes the list because it shows that Jim is not totally mean spirited as he does give Dwight a bag of nickels to retrieve his things. Five, ten, fifteen, twenty cents...

Memorable line(s):

  • Jim: Oh, dollar for a stapler, that's pretty good.
  • Dwight: Okay, fine. Where's my wallet?Jim: Oh, there it is. J1.

3. Jim "helps" Dwight prepare for his speech by teaching him to speak like Mussolini

When Dwight wins salesman of the year, for the Northeastern Pennsylvania Paper products salesman, Jim tells Dwight that he majored in public speaking in college and then tells him that to be an effective public speaker, he needs to pound his fists and yell and scream, like Mussolini. I believe he also "wrote" a Mussolini speech for Dwight. While the prank backfired, as the audience ate it up, it was still extremely hilarious

Memorable line(s):

  • Jim: The great speakers throughout history were not joke tellers. They were people of passion. So if you want to do well today, you got to do what they did.Dwight: Which is?Jim: You've got to wave your arms and you've got to pound your fists. Many times. It's supposed to emphasize your point.
  • Jim: Ok, I didn't actually major in Public Speaking. But, I did download speeches from some of history's famous dictators. Like this one [holds up paper]. Originally given by Benito Mussolini.

2. Jim convinces Dwight that it is Friday, not Thursday

How do so many great pranks just fall in Jim's lap? When Dwight mistakenly thinks it is Friday, Jim (with the assistance of Pam) go along with it. Cut to Friday with Dwight flying into the office, disheveled yelling "ITS OKAY, I'M HERE."

Memorable line(s):

  • Jim: Today is Thursday. But Dwight thinks that it's Friday. And that's what I'll be working on this afternoon.
  • Dwight: I went out and got drunk with my laser tag team last night. Crap! I never go out on a Thursday night; what the hell was I thinking?

1. Jim dresses as Dwight

This prank still makes me laugh out loud when I think of it. It just shows how Jim is always thinking on his feet. When he comes across a pair of "Dwight glasses" at the Thrift store, the idea is born. Add a shirt, tie, briefcase and bobblehead and presto - instant Dwight.

Memorable line(s):

  • Jim (as Dwight): Fact. Bears eat beets. Bears. Beets. Battlestar Galactica.
  • Jim (as Dwight): Question, which type of bear is best
  • Dwight: Identity theft is not a joke Jim!

Honorable mention: nickels in the phone headset, popping of the "fitness orb", routing all Dwight's calls to Jim's phone, convincing Dwight to tell the waitress at Benihana how to butcher a goose, convincing Dwight to buy a women's purse, moving Dwight's desk to the bathroom and playing "hot and cold" so that he can find the desk.

And now I leave you with a hilarious video of the best Jim/Dwight pranks

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